346 research outputs found

    Chronic nitrogen fertilization and carbon sequestration in grassland soils: evidence of a microbial enzyme link

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    Chronic nitrogen (N) fertilization can greatly affect soil carbon (C) sequestration by altering biochemical interactions between plant detritus and soil microbes. In lignin-rich forest soils, chronic N additions tend to increase soil C content partly by decreasing the activity of lignin-degrading enzymes. In cellulose-rich grassland soils it is not clear whether cellulose-degrading enzymes are also inhibited by N additions and what consequences this might have on changes in soil C content. Here we address whether chronic N fertilization has affected (1) the C content of light versus heavier soil fractions, and (2) the activity of four extracellular enzymes including the C-acquiring enzyme β-1,4-glucosidase (BG; necessary for cellulose hydrolysis). We found that 19 years of chronic N-only addition to permanent grassland have significantly increased soil C sequestration in heavy but not in light soil density fractions, and this C accrual was associated with a significant increase (and not decrease) of BG activity. Chronic N fertilization may increase BG activity because greater N availability reduces root C:N ratios thus increasing microbial demand for C, which is met by C inputs from enhanced root C pools in N-only fertilized soils. However, BG activity and total root mass strongly decreased in high pH soils under the application of lime (i.e. CaCO3), which reduced the ability of these organo-mineral soils to gain more C per units of N added. Our study is the first to show a potential ‘enzyme link’ between (1) long-term additions of inorganic N to grassland soils, and (2) the greater C content of organo-mineral soil fractions. Our new hypothesis is that the ‘enzyme link’ occurs because (a) BG activity is stimulated by increased microbial C demand relative to N under chronic fertilization, and (b) increased BG activity causes more C from roots and from microbial metabolites to accumulate and stabilize into organo-mineral C fractions. We suggest that any combination of management practices that can influence the BG ‘enzyme link’ will have far reaching implications for long-term C sequestration in grassland soils

    Arabidopsis DOF Transcription Factors Act Redundantly to Reduce CONSTANS Expression and Are Essential for a Photoperiodic Flowering Response

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    SummaryFlowering of Arabidopsis is induced by long summer days (LDs). The transcriptional regulator CONSTANS (CO) promotes flowering, and its transcription is increased under LDs. We systematically misexpressed transcription factors in companion cells and identified several DOF proteins that delay flowering by repressing CO transcription. Combining mutations in four of these, including CYCLING DOF FACTOR 2 (CDF2), caused photoperiod-insensitive early flowering by increasing CO mRNA levels. CO transcription is promoted to differing extents by GIGANTEA (GI) and the F-box protein FKF1. We show that GI stabilizes FKF1, thereby reducing CDF2 abundance and allowing transcription of CO. Despite the crucial function of GI in wild-type plants, introducing mutations in the four DOF-encoding genes into gi mutants restored the diurnal rhythm and light inducibility of CO. Thus, antagonism between GI and DOF transcription factors contributes to photoperiodic flowering by modulating an underlying diurnal rhythm in CO transcript levels

    ODRL Policy Modelling and Compliance Checking

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    This paper addresses the problem of constructing a policy pipeline that enables compliance checking of business processes against regulatory obligations. Towards this end, we propose an Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) profile that can be used to capture the semantics of both business policies in the form of sets of required permissions and regulatory requirements in the form of deontic concepts, and present their translation into Answer Set Programming (via the Institutional Action Language (InstAL)) for compliance checking purposes. The result of the compliance checking is either a positive compliance result or an explanation pertaining to the aspects of the policy that are causing the noncompliance. The pipeline is illustrated using two (key) fragments of the General Data Protect Regulation, namely Articles 6 (Lawfulness of processing) and Articles 46 (Transfers subject to appropriate safeguards) and industrially-relevant use cases that involve the specification of sets of permissions that are needed to execute business processes. The core contributions of this paper are the ODRL profile, which is capable of modelling regulatory obligations and business policies, the exercise of modelling elements of GDPR in this semantic formalism, and the operationalisation of the model to demonstrate its capability to support personal data processing compliance checking, and a basis for explaining why the request is deemed compliant or not

    Empirical agent-based modelling of everyday pro-environmental behaviours at work

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    We report on agent-based modelling work in the LOCAW project (Low Carbon at Work: Modelling Agents and Organisations to Achieve Transition to a Low Carbon Europe). The project explored the effectiveness of various backcasting scenarios conducted with case study organisations in bringing about pro-environmental change in the workforce in the domains of transport, energy use and waste. The model used qualitative representations of workspaces in formalising each scenario, and decision trees learned from questionnaire responses to represent decision-making. We describe the process by which the decision trees were constructed, noting that the use of decision trees in agent-based models requires particular considerations owing to the potential use of explanatory variables in model dynamics. The results of the modelling in various scenarios emphasise the importance of structural environmental changes in facilitating everyday pro-environmental behaviour, but also show there is a role for psychological variables such as norms, values and efficacy. As such, the topology of social interactions is a potentially important driver, raising the interesting prospect that both workplace geography and organisational hierarchy have a role to play in influencing workplace pro-environmental behaviours

    Genomic assessment and phenotypic characteristics of F2 resource sheep population

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    The article presents the results of assessment of genetic diversity and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in the re-source sheep population, originated from crossing of fast-growing (Katahdin) and slow growing (Romanov) breeds for QTL mapping and search for candidate genes associated with growth rate. The study was conducted on 88 sheep from the resource population, including two unrelated families that have been reared in the Moscow region since 2017. Each family consists of a Katahdin ram (founder), Romanov’s ewes (mothers), F1 hybrids, and two groups of backcrosses. All sheep were genotyped using a high-density DNA chip Illumina Ovine Infinium® HD SNP BeadChip (~ 600 thousand SNP markers). SNP markers were filtered in the PLINK v.1.90. PCA was performed in PLINK v.1.90 and visualized in R package ggplot2. The genetic diversity indices (Ho, uHe, Ar, FIS) were calculated in R package “diveRsity”. It was established that both crosses had higher level of genetic diversity in comparison with the mother breed. F1 hybrids were characterized by the highest level of observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.409-0.407), while Ho ranged from 0.382 to 0.396 for the backcrosses, respectively. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.329 to 0.356 in the groups from the resource population. Allelic richness was high in all studied groups (more than 1.849). PCA showed that the mated parent breeds were highly differentiated, as it should be in successful establishment of the resource population. The phenotypic characteristic of the backcrosses on live weight and nine body measurements at 9, 42 and 90 days is given. The coefficients of variation were the highest by live weight (17.0-19.0%), body length (15.5-22.3%) and oblique body length (16.2% and 22.7%) at 90 days. The results are intermediate and create a geno-typic and phenotypic base to perform GWAS at the next stage of our study

    Valutazione della prevalenza dell'epatite C in 182 pazienti affetti da psoriasi: correlazione con la gravità della malattia e difficoltà di gestione terapeutica

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    La psoriasi è una patologia cutanea infiammatoria cronica con prevalenza tra lo 0.8 e l’11%. L’epatite C è una patologia infettiva con prevalenza del 2.6% a livello mondiale. Di recente interesse è la valutazione di una possi-bile correlazione non casuale tra le due patologie in relazione all’utilizzo nella terapia della psoriasi di farmaci immunosoppressori (anti-TNFα, ciclosporina) in grado causare la riattivazione di infezioni tra cui HCV. Lo scopo di questo studio è la valutazione della prevalenza dell’epatite C in una popolazione di pazienti psoria-sici, della correlazione tra la presenza dell’infezione e la gravità della patologia cutanea e della difficoltà di ge-stione terapeutica di pazienti psoriasici HCV-positivi. Fanno parte dello studio 182 pazienti affetti da psoriasi in cui sono stati valutati gli indici di funzionalità epatica, i markers dell’epatite C (HCV-RNA, HCV-ab) e il PASI (indice di gravità della psoriasi). La prevalenza dell’epatite C in questa popolazione è stata messa a confronto con quella presente in una popolazione generale lombarda composta da 2154 soggetti risultando più che doppia nei soggetti psoriasici. Le due popolazioni sono state suddivise per sesso ed età: in entrambe la prevalenza dell’epatite è risultata pressoché uguale nei due sessi e maggiore nei soggetti di età più avanzata. La media del PASI dei soggetti psoriasici HCV-positivi è risultata più che doppia rispetto a quella dei soggetti psoriasici HCV-negativi. Questi risultati indicano una correlazione non casuale tra psoriasi ed epatite C e che la presenza dell’infezione si associa ad una maggiore gravità del quadro cutaneo. I pazienti HCV-positivi che avevano effettuato in precedenza terapia con interferone avevano un PASI superiore a quelli che non avevano effettuato la terapia, è probabile che la terapia per l’epatite determini un ulteriore aggravamento del quadro cutaneo. L’epatite C va quindi considerata una comorbilità maggiore da rilevare e monitorare nei pazienti psoriasici per la duplice difficoltà di gestione terapeutica in questi soggetti